See this too -result/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Autodesk-software-does-n...This other tip was posted by a user in these forums and it may help too -forum/autocad-2013-crashed-after-lastest-windows-update/m-p/7...For most users these free tips help a lot -to-make-old-programs-work-on-windows-10/For others they roll back to an older Windows OS and hang on tight to it for life.For others still they purchase a fix from these folks As far as Autodesk is concerned, you will need to subscribe to a newer version of AutoCAD.Hope these help.
Trial versions are available for most Autodesk products. Download your free 30-days trial version today. You can obtain Autodesk desktop software for development use on an on-going basis by joining ADN.
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The PDFin plug-in is designed specifically for AutoCAD 2012 and higher as well as other compatible Autodesk programs supporting the extension API. An alternative plugin version for users of AutoCAD 2011 and earlier may be found at
Autodesk Photofly 2.0 is a new free cloud application with great potential - and not only for CAD.It takes a series of photos and automatically generates a 3D model from these photos. Although the Photofly version 1.x is already available for about a year, only since the new version 2.0 it has features that make it easy to use and generates directly usable CAD models (textured 3D meshes, not only point clouds). The models can be read into CAD applications or presented on mobile devices.Read about testing Photofly on a historical fountain in the oldtown of Ceske Budejovice - see our Budweiser blog post and look at the resulting 3D models. 2ff7e9595c