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How to Create Beautiful and Editable PHP Grids with Phpgrid Full Version


  • Rewrite all the code, removed ajax, import and export functions, the code to run more stable, simple, simple. new features as followsCode is simple and does not rely on any third-party class libraries (remove previous versions of Xajax, Prototype Pear library)

  • Easy to use, a SQL statement can complete the basic functions

  • Flexible control, you can easily control the display area and built-in access control

  • Support the Mysql Pdo, and Mysql native function

  • Support multiple Grid also shows

  • The use of caching technology

  • Multi-language support

  • Use livevalidation javascript library as a front-end test

  • Streamline the HTML code and CSS styles

  • Performance using testing tools: Loadruner carried out performance testing, able to withstand a large number of simultaneous users to access, depending on your database performance.

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Phpgrid Full Version

  • Automated code generation tools, the use of this tool without writing a single line of code you can easily generate forms and form functionsPage. Attached an automatically generated phpgrid source tools, as long as the mouse gently point, you can generate.

  • Streamline the CSS style will be very easy to change the interface, the CSS files located in the "phpgrid/skin/blue/grid.css,"

  • A View class, relative to the Grid View only used to display the data does not have to add, delete

  • Parameters in the expansion of the function: replacetheValue ($array, $key, $value) $key is no longer the serial number of the field, but the name of the field

  • The content of the form can be read from the template (located in phpgrid / template)

  • Amendments to import and export the print function BUG

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We will learn how to build a fully functional, single-page database content administration application using phpGrid and other PHP components with a minimum amount of code. The application will perform common data operations such as Create, Read, Update, Delete, otherwise known as CRUD on MySQL database tables.

Note the demo application requires phpGrid version 7 and above. The demo uses MySQL, however, the same basic code should work with other databases with the use of a different SQL schema SELECT statement.

There are many ways to enhance the edit form in regular datagrid + form, or just in form-only mode. In version 7.0, there are two new functions at your disposal, add_form_group_header() and add_form_tooltip(). Each provides a simple way to include additional text to annotate the form.

To make our data look more interesting, we create a full name by concatenating the first name FirstName and last name LastName fields with CONCAT, a SQL function that concatenates two or more strings. In MySQL, it has the following syntax:

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Now you can a new option in lookup dropdown without going on other screen (via lookup datagrid and popup). See screencast below.The working demo can be checked online and full version package in demos/appearance/dropdown.

UPDATE (4th Feb, 2013): Released version v1.4.8 (for premium customers)New featured examples include HTML / WYSIWYG editor integration, FancyBox integration, Loading Grid from phpArray, Conditional formatting, Conditional Data display, Controlling multiple detail grids from master, Server side validation, Custom client side validation, MySQLi support added. Visit official website for more

UPDATE (31st July, 2012): New featured examples include Postgresql integration samples, Conditional Display of Buttons / Data in Rows. Product now got a new home with a new version 1.4.6. Refer this site for all future updates. 2ff7e9595c


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